Global Prayer Initiative
As part of the EE family worldwide, let us commit to prayer on a global scale for the ministry of Evangelism Explosion.

Let’s Pray
Malcolm Thomas, EEI Board Member, shares the vision for EE’s global prayer movement. As we pray, we are inspired by God’s Hand and reminded of His power.
As part of the EE family worldwide, we can participate through prayer to further the expansion of the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

The Call
Join us by responding to this special call to prayer:
Sign up to pray. We will send you prayer requests every two months to focus your prayer in the coming year.
Ask others to pray. Invite everyone you know that has been trained in EE to pray as well. We will give you tools to assist you in inviting others.
Join in our quarterly 24-hour worldwide prayer meetings as we hear from ministry leaders around the world and also pray through the nations.

Join Us
God is moving in the hearts of believers worldwide, calling His people to pray.
Will you join us in prayer for this global effort?
Sign up to be a prayer partner by completing the form below.

Become a
Prayer Partner
When you sign up, you will receive a prayer guide that includes specific prompts to guide your prayers. Once you complete the form below you will be redirected to an introductory media packet to help you encourage others to pray along with you.